100000+ calls each month

Contact us !

Contact us !

At Vocca, our mission is to build the best communication platform for healthcare centers. We are engineers and builders passionate about helping clinics manage patient interactions effortlessly with AI. Our specialty is voice AI—systems that understand, think, and speak like humans, saving you both time and money.

Write us here and we'll answer prompty

Do you want a demo ?

If you're work at a clinic or a healthcare practice feel free to book a demo straight in my calendar. We'd love to have a chat with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you set it up? How long does it take ?

We integrate our AI with your existing systems, set up your calendar, and customize call handling based on your needs. It’s simple, and we guide you through the process step by step. It usually takes one week to configure and then a couple of weeks to be fully operational in your practice.

Is Vocca integrated with my calendar?

Yes. Vocca can integrate with all calendar systems and manage multiple calendars.

What can an AI receptionist do?

How do I set up Vocca?

How can I try it out?

How do you deal with emergencies?

What happens when there are multiple calls at the same time?

Get in touch

Ready to streamline operations at your medical center?

Schedule a meeting with us to start leveraging AI in your practice.

Our AI is made to empower health professionals. Our mission is to automate your patient management and repetitive tasks.





50 avenue Raymond Poincaré,

75116, Paris, France

Copyright © 2024. Made by Vocca.

SIRET: 931 119 150 00015

Get in touch

Ready to streamline operations at your medical center?

Schedule a meeting with us to start leveraging AI in your practice.

Notre IA est conçue pour habiliter les professionnels de la santé. Notre mission est d’automatiser la gestion de vos clients et les tâches répétitives.





50 avenue Raymond Poincaré, 75116, Paris, France

Copyright © 2024. Made by Vocca.

SIRET: 931 119 150 00015

Join our newsletter

Ready to streamline operations at your medical center? Schedule a meeting with us to start leveraging AI in your practice.

Our AI is made to empower health professionals. Our mission is to automate your patient management and repetitive tasks.





50 avenue Raymond Poincaré,

75116, Paris, France

Copyright © 2024. Made by Vocca.

SIRET: 931 119 150 00015